Women to Women

Women are the cornerstone of Palestinian culture, influencing every aspect of it from the food we eat to how our children see the world. We believe that supporting women is supporting the betterment of the Palestinian people.

The vision of the Women to Women Initiative is to directly impact the lives of women and families in Ramallah by lending a helping hand in the form of monetary donations. These donations will personally aid Ramallah women with everyday basic needs and provide them with a means to better themselves and provide for their families. The disbursement of funds will be done discreetly and with the utmost respect to ensure dignity and privacy.


  • Potential projects can be proposed to our contact in Ramallah, Nijmeh Ganim.
  • Projects will be presented to the committee in a written proposition. It should indicate the need and the amount.
  • The committee will be in charge of approving all projects.


  • Representatives of the Women to Women Initiative will make at least $100 donation annually.
  • Personal donations from members and non-members will also be accepted at any time throughout the year and specifically when a project has started. Donations should be made to the AFRHSN and earmarked to Women to Women Initiative.
  • AFRP Events including, but not limited to, Mid-year and Annual AFRP conventions.

*projects will typically range from $500-$5,000


  • Donations will go into the AFRHSN account in the US and then, after they have been accounted for, transferred into an account in Ramallah.
  • When the project is approved, Nijmeh Ganim can disburse the funds from the account in Ramallah and receipts will be provided.
  • All donations and disbursements will be documented.

Ready to Make a Difference?

All contributions and donations help the AFRP make a real, substantial difference in our community. Donations are tax deductible and can be directed toward any of our beneficial programs.

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