AFRP Arabic Course

Registration Now Open for Classes!

We’re thrilled to announce we’ll be offering MORE Arabic classes starting January 18th!

Yallah ni7ki 3arabi! (!يلا نحكي عربي)

Yallah ni7ki 3arabi!
(!يلا نحكي عربي)

If you don’t know the translation to this Arabic phrase, you’re in luck!

The AFRP is collaborating with the Bethlehem Bible College to offer more virtual sessions for adults, starting January 18th.
When we talk about embracing our heritage, it’s mostly about our customs, foods or traditions. However, learning to speak our family’s ancestral language opens up a world of wisdom passed down through the generations. Learning a new language is more than just communication — it’s the gateway to our culture, heritage and identity.

There will be more options for adults looking to learn Arabic:
  • Beginner level 1 Arabic that teaches the Arabic sounds and letters, basic grammar and basic conversation.
  • Level 2 Arabic that builds on the previous level and teaches more complex grammar and sentence structure.
  • Conversational Arabic that focuses entirely on spoken Arabic in the Levantine dialect.

Register today for the class of your choice!

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