Past Presidents

Meet the trailblazers who have guided the American Federation of Ramallah Palestine through its history. Explore the distinguished individuals who have steered our community's course.


Name Year(s) of Presidency
Chuck Farah 2023
Isam Dughman 2022
Rudolph Shatarah 2021
Daniel Harb 2019
George Habeeb 2018
Dr. Hanna Hanania 2017
Jeff Ajlouny 2016
Ken Harb 2015
Bassam Eways 2014
+ John (Hanna) Faris 2013
Dr. Angie Ghanayem 2012
Terry Ahwal-Morris 2011
Johnny Rukab 2010
Charlie Shamieh 2009
Emeel S. Ajluni 2008
Yacoub Zayed 2007
Jamal Jubrann 2006
Michael Mufarreh 2005
David Bateh 2004
George Eways 2003
Dr. George Zaibaq 2002
+ Samir Kassees 2001
Dr. May Saba 2000
Husam Misleh 1999
+ Bader Farhat 1998
Atty. Samir Mashni 1997
Salem Mufarreh 1996
Maher Ajluni 1995
Dr. Walid F. Kandah 1994
Samir Z. Farhat 1993
Atty. Elias Z. Shamieh 1992
Leila Saba Hanna 1991
+ Fuad Mogannam 1990
Dr. Anis Ajluni 1989
+ Jamal Farhat 1988
Ibrahim Ghanayem 1987
George Saba 1986
Nick Zaybak 1985
Samir Totah 1984
+ Isa Hassan 1983
Audie Dudum 1982
Atty. Edward Ajlouny 1981
+ Atty. Jawad George 1980
+ Ziadeh Shamieh 1979
+ George N. Khoury 1978
+ Mukhlas Saah 1977
+ Essa Ghannam 1976
+ Salameh Zanayed 1975
Salim Iqal 1974
+ George Mogannam 1973
+ Mufid Harb 1972
+ Mansur Dudum 1971
+ Nadim Ajlouny 1970
+ Wadie Harb 1969
+ Salem Shunnarah 1968
+ Shawki Ghannam 1967
+ Ibrahim Kashou 1966
+ Naim Kawwas 1965
+ Atty. Paul Rukab 1964
+ Atty. Karim Ajluni (Legal Advisor Emeritus) 1963
+ Farid Shatara 1959-1962


+ deceased

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