On November 7, the House of Representatives passed a resolution 234-188 censuring Representative Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian American in Congress. The American Federation of Ramallah, Palestine (AFRP) vehemently condemns the passage of the censure resolution against Representative Tlaib, and unequivocally stands with the Congresswoman as she uses her platform and voice to stand up for the humanity of the people of Palestine and call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
We are particularly appalled by the yes votes of 22 Democrats who claim to be defenders of free speech and human rights. While these Members have decided to formally rebuke the only Palestinian American in Congress for her principled stance in defense of Palestinian lives, they have failed to censure Republican members who have propagated dangerous and dehumanizing rhetoric denying Palestinians of their humanity and justifying the massacre of over 10,000 people in Gaza, including more than 4,300 children. This rhetoric has also had real-life deadly consequences here in the United States, including the murder of the 6-year-old Palestinian child Wadea Al-Fayoume in a suburb of Chicago last month. His murder is a direct result of the rise in anti-Palestinian and Islamophobic rhetoric among our elected officials and mainstream media. Members of Congress who voted yes have made it clear that they believe Palestinian lives are inherently less valuable than the lives of Jewish Israelis, both here and abroad.
The passage of the censure resolution against Representative Tlaib is a stain on the history of the United States and Congress. In the years to come, students of history will recognize the Congresswoman’s censure as a badge of honor for her bravery and commitment to standing up for what is right in the face of her colleagues’ overwhelming attempts to silence her and complicity in Israel’s grave crimes against humanity in Gaza.
The AFRP joins the Congresswoman and a rising chorus of voices in calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an end to U.S. military aid and weapons to Israel. Just as Rep. Tlaib, we remain steadfast in our demands despite all attempts to discredit and vilify our community and allies. We thank the Congresswoman for her continued bravery and integrity.