Ramallah Trip Flight Information

Below are the city and flight information for group travel to the 2014 Convention:
Please note that prices and flights are subject to change prior to booking

Dates of Departure: June 16-17, 2014

Departure City Route Rate Airline
Chicago Chicago-Amman-Tel- Aviv 1880.00 Royal Jordanian
Detroit Det-Amman-Tel-Aviv 1880.00 Royal Jordanian
Houston Houston-Istanbul- Tel Aviv 1500.00 tax included Turkish Airlines
Jacksonville Jax-Chicago-Amman-Tel Aviv Please check with George Saba for Pricing Royal Jordanian
Los Angeles LA-Istanbul-Tel- Aviv 1587.00 tax included Turkish Airlines
New York NY-Amman-Te-Aviv 1205.00 plus tax and surcharge Royal Jordanian
Washington DC DC-NY-Amman-Tel-Aviv 1465.00 tax included Royal Jordanian

Jacksonville and Washington D.C. members must purchase separate transportation to their departure city.

Please note a $100.00 non-refundable deposit is required and must be at the AFRP Headquarter Office no later then October 24, 2013.


27484 Ann Arbor Trail
Westland MI 48185

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Please call George Saba with ANY questions call 313-215-1780

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