Please Join us for Our 3rd Annual Medical Mission

Greetings Everyone,

Attached you will find the brochure for the 3rd Annual AFRP Medical Mission to be held on October 20th, 2014 at the beautiful Palo Alto Country Club.

Please fill it out with your foursome or donations to help with this awesome Medical Mission led by some of the most amazing Doctors and Bajis Katwan.

If your not able to play or donate we would like you to join us in the evening for the dinner part of it. Tickets for dinner are $75.00. You can get your tickets through Bajis Katwan 650-279-2100, or Najwa Baba 415-706-2730.
Also, please save the date:

October 18, 2014 we will be hosting a dinner at the Ramallah Club in honor of the Doctors who will be traveling to Palestine.

It will be catered by Dish Dash and the cost is $30.00. We are pre-selling tickets for that event also.

Tickets must be purchased and paid for in advance. Absolutely no refunds.

For tickets please contact Najwa Baba 415-706-2730, Bajis Katwan at 415-279-2100,or Jiries Nazzal 650-867-5095

You don’t want to miss these two exciting events.

Best Regards,

Najwa Baba

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Ready to Make a Difference?

All contributions and donations help the AFRP make a real, substantial difference in our community. Donations are tax deductible and can be directed toward any of our beneficial programs.

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